Our Story

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Giving myself a little more credit

So I've been kind of frustrated that we had such big set backs in the month of March. But I was reminded just how far we've come when I spent sometime at other people's houses over the weekend.

My family was offered crystal light, something that we drank on a daily basis at our house before the start of "GSM" (March 2nd). Aspartame was all over our house in what our kids were drinking and in huge quantities in what Nate and I were drinking. It's nasty stuff and it will never be consumed by our family again.

Also we have stopped consuming cows milk, and for the better part sugar and pork. Nate is really having a hard time with the whole pork thing he loves his Cafe Rio burrito with sweet pork. Which got me thinking you know what maybe we are doing a better job than I thought. In general we are making healthier choices, and doing our best to only take on what we know we will be able to commit to, and change permanently.

At the beginning I thought we will jump in and do it all, then I realized if we jumped in and changed it all at one time it would not be long standing. Also our poor insides couldn't have handled it. We are so excited to continue to look and feel better, and to live the life God intended for us. I really appreciate all your loving and encouraging comments it keeps us going.


  1. Very well said! We have been drinking green smoothies for over a year now and eating tons of whole foods and I still get frustrated at times when our kids go for the cheesy cheetos. Then I sit back and think about where we were and where we have come. I try to take things in moderation and pick a few that I won't bend on (soda) in our house.
    Keep up the good work you are doing for your family!

    www.nutritionbynature.blogspot.com is where I try to keep up with my thoughts on nutrition.

  2. Keep on with the small steps. Eventually they will add up to a big thing.
